Sign Variance
Town of Saugeen Shores Sign By-law 60-2015, as amended, was passed by Council pursuant to the Municipal Act to control signs throughout the Town while recognizing the need to identify business, products and services. It is strongly recommended that you design your sign to comply with the Sign By-law whenever possible. The variance process was created to address such things as; special circumstances that cannot be overcome, conditions applying to the land or building, pre-existing conditions not created by the owner or applicant. “To provide better exposure” or “…so customers can find me” are not valid reasons for requesting a variance, such requests will not be supported. If it is possible to comply with the provisions of the By-law, staff will recommend the applicant does so. If it is not possible to comply with the provision(s) of the Sign By-law, the applicant may apply for a variance to the Sign By-law.
How to apply for a sign variance
Complete the online sign variance application.
Application review process
Upon receipt of completed application form and fee, Town staff will review the application and contact the applicant if additional information is required. Authority to approve or deny proposed variances has been delegated to the Committee of Adjustment. Once a Variance application is received, the request will be put on an available Committee of Adjustment agenda. If approved by the Committee, the applicant will be required to apply for a Sign Permit from the Building Department. If approval is not granted, the applicant may only apply for a permit for a sign that is permitted by the By-law.
Sign variance fee
A application fee is $381.89. See our methods of payment accepted.