We provide garbage and recycling services for residents in Saugeen Shores. Click the "When's my garbage day?" image below to view our garbage collection map.
Learn more about bag tags, recycling collection, and our landfill. The Town is pleased to be running a film plastics recycling pilot project and we encourage you to learn more by clicking 'Recycling programs' and then 'Film plastics recycling' in the menu below.
View 2025 Blue Box Collection Schedule
View 2025 Environmental Calendar
Garbage Collection
We contract our garbage collection service to Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling. For concerns about garbage collection, or for more information, visit their website or call 519-797-5557.
Check out our interactive Garbage and Recycling App to find your garbage and recycling days.
Garbage Collection Schedule and Routes
View our Garbage Collection Maps to find out when you should have your garbage ready for pickup at your curb.
Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling will pick up garbage on all statutory holidays, except for Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Please continue to place your garbage curbside by the normal 7:00 a.m. time on all remaining holidays. If you miss this time, drivers won't return to pick up missed garbage.
Household Garbage Requirements
All household garbage must be:
- At your curb by 7:00 a.m.
- Bagged and placed in acceptable garbage containers that are protected from rodents, animals, insects and birds
- No heavier than 11 kg (or 25 lbs) per bag/container
- Free of hazardous waste
- Free of manure, ashes, hay, straw, grass clippings and leaves.
- Affixed with a bag tag
- Clearly visible to drivers and pedestrians, and not hidden behind a vehicle, snow bank or other obstruction
If you use a large garbage collection box at your property, you must follow our garbage box requirements. Garbage boxes must clearly indicate whether there is garbage inside the box or not. This can include a mailbox flag or a yes/no sign which must be visible from the road.
Recycling programs (cardboard, film plastics, and more)
View our recycling information to learn what you can recycle, how to recycle and Saugeen Shores' blue box schedule.
We are committed to diverting waste to proper collection locations in order to minimize the waste's impacts to the environment.
Cardboard recycling
You can recycle flattened cardboard boxes at the following cardboard recycling depots:
- Port Elgin Sewage Treatment Plant (Lehnen Street)
- Public Works Garage (Concession 6 at Guyers Drive)
- Southampton Landfill (Concession 14)
Film plastics recycling
You can drop off your film plastics at three locations in Saugeen Shores. Accepted materials will be recycled by a company in Ontario into plastic resin pellets to be used in manufacturing.
The success of this project depends on you! To recycle your film plastic, you must ensure all materials are:
- Clean – remove all food residue
- Dry – if you rinse it, let it dry
- Empty – remove paper, stickers and receipts
- Identified by #2 HDPE or #4 LDPE recycling symbol
Drop-off locations
Place filled bags in the small round opening in the yellow bin at one of the following locations:
Do not leave plastics outside the collection bins.
Accepted items
Only plastics identified by #2 HDPE (high-density polyethylene) or #4 LDPE (low-density polyethylene) are accepted. These are:
- Grocery and retail bags
- Newspaper and flyer bags
- Dry cleaning bags
- Electronic equipment bags
- Food and produce bags
- Bread bags
- Fresh vegetable and produce bags
- Frozen vegetable bags
- Bulk goods bags
- Milk outer bags
- Product packaging and wrap
- Water softener and salt bags (remove rigid plastic handles)
- Toilet paper, napkin and paper towel over wrap
- Diaper and feminine hygiene product outer bags
- Bottled water and soda case over wrap
- Soil, mulch, etc. garden product bags (clean, dry and empty)
Not accepted
- Unclean items with food or dirt residue
- Packaging in contact with meat
- Packaging in contact with dairy
- Biodegradable or compostable plastics
- Crinkly, non-stretch wrap, packaging and bottle seals
- Zipper lock and resealable bags
- Agricultural bale, boat and shrink wrap
- Beverage rings
- Stretch cling wrap
- Chip, cookie, chocolate and snack bar wrappers
- Bubble wrap
Styrofoam recycling
Accepted items:
Items that can be collected must be clean, dry, free of tape and must be marked with the #6 recycling symbol. Accepted items include:
- White packaging from electronics and appliances (such as TV’s, computers, microwaves, etc.)
Not accepted:
- Meat trays
- Pool noodles
- Take-out containers, bowls and cups
- Packing peanuts
- Insulation panels
- Polyethylene Foam
Drop-off location:
Southampton Landfill, 140 Concession 14
Fluorescent bulb recycling
You can drop off expired fluorescent bulbs and tubes at the Southampton Landfill. These items are taken to a facility that discards mercury and other hazardous chemicals properly.
Propane tank recycling
You can drop off your empty propane tanks at the Southampton Landfill, where they are recycled properly.
Battery recycling
You can drop off household batteries at the Southampton Landfill, municipal office or at the Public Libraries in Port Elgin and Southampton. The batteries are then taken to a disposal facility.
Mattress and box spring recycling
You can drop off your mattresses and box springs at the Southampton Landfill, with a fee of $30.20 per mattress.
Tire recycling
You can bring off-rim and clean tires to the Southampton Landfill at no cost.
Recycling of cooling units
We will accept Freon units, air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, water coolers and dehumidifiers at the Saugeen Shores Landfill, only if they have been certified and tagged as "Freon Free."
Recycling of fire extinguishers
We accept recycling of fire extinguishers which contain mercury at the Southampton Landfill.
Electronic waste
View our procedures on recycling electronic waste.
Food waste solutions
Join your municipality in tackling food waste by piloting FoodCycler™ technology in your home. Support your municipality by testing this innovative technology! Visit our Food Waste Diversion Program page for more information.
Green Cones
Assembly and Operation of your Green Cone. If you would like to purchase from the Town use our online form.
Leaf and yard waste
162 Concession 14 Southampton, right beside the landfill. Open 24/7, free of charge
Acceptable items: Leaves, grass clippings and plants
Brush (branches) cannot go to this site; they must go to the landfill on open days
No Garbage - Example plant plastic containers