Council Highlights - August 26 & September 09, 2024
Committee of the Whole meetings occur on the second and fourth Monday of each month, and Council meetings occur on the second, third, and fourth Monday of each month (the third Monday of the month is to discuss and consider planning and development matters). If a regular meeting falls on a public or civic holiday, the Council meets at the same hour on the next day that is not a public or civic holiday.
Committee of the Whole consists of all Council members that recommends an item for approval by Council. The item still requires Council's final approval, typically at the next Council meeting held two weeks later.
Visit to see all meeting dates, agendas, minutes and webcasts.
Members of the public can watch Committee of the Whole and Regular Council Meetings in person or on the Town’s YouTube Channel.
August 26, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting
Planning Report- Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-2024-37 (Lowlace)
The purpose of the application is to sever three vacant residential lots from a 78.5 hectare agricultural parcel. All lots are proposed to be 1892 square meters in size and will front onto Bruce-Saugeen Townline. An amendment to the Zoning By-law is required to permit the residential lot creation. If approved, the application would facilitate the creation of three residential lots in the hamlet of North Bruce. The retained parcel will continue to be used for agricultural purposes. A holding provision requiring an Archaeological Assessment for the lands containing high archaeological potential is proposed.
The related consent files (B-2024-034, B-2024-035, B-2024-036) will be considered by the County at a later date.
The property is located north of Bruce-Saugeen Townline and west of Highway 21 within the hamlet of North Bruce. The subject site is surrounded by residential uses and agricultural lands.
This was carried.
Closed to Public Session
Council met in a Closed to Public Session to discuss a position or instruction to be applied to negotiations on a confidential matter.
Planning Report- Local Official Plan Amendment L-2024-007 and Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2024-025
The purpose of this application is to consider amendments to the Town of Saugeen Shores Official Plan and Zoning By-law addressing the following matters:
- Conformity with the implementation amendment to the Bruce County Official Plan;
- Introduction of On-Farm Diversification as per the Bruce County Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement;
- Encouraging intensification and diversification of housing;
- Changes to parking provisions; and
- Other Official Plan and Zoning By-law housekeeping amendments.
The proposal was presented at a public meeting on June 17, 2024. County and Town staff have since amended the proposal to reflect comments provided at and subsequent to the public meeting. Staff consider these changes to be minor and in response to the feedback received from Council and the community. Staff are of the opinion that a second public meeting is not needed.
The proposed amendments are included in the revised Amendment Tracker attached to this report with further explanation outlined below.
This matter was deferred.
Community Improvement Plan Update for Saugeen Shores
The purpose of this report is to review the changes to the draft Community Improvement Plan (CIP) that were made in consideration of feedback at the July 15, 2024, Public Meeting, and recommend adoption of the By-law and CIP.
This was carried.
Woodlands Phase 3 Subdivision Agreement
The lands are subject to a Draft Plan of Subdivision and the developer is prepared to enter into a Subdivision Agreement to develop 15 single-detached dwelling lots fronting onto Acton Drive in Port Elgin.
This was carried.
Bruce C Project Notice of Impact Assessment Submission and Comment Deadline
The Town has received a notice of an impact assessment submission regarding the Bruce C Nuclear Project and a comment deadline from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada. Staff intend to bring a report to the September 9, 2024, Council Meeting with recommended comments to be submitted to the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry.
This was carried.
To learn more, view the Council meeting agenda.
September 9, 2024 - Committee of the Whole Meeting
2024 Quarter 2 Variance to Budget
The Variance to Budget report provides Council with a forecast of the financial operating results for the Town as of June 2024. The actual net income through the second quarter of the year is $15.4 million and the year-to-date variance to budget is forecasted to have a lower net income of $0.2 million.
This was recommended to be received for information.
Revised Connecting Links Projects - Multiyear Plan and Intake 10 Projects
This report updates the Town’s Connecting Links Multiyear Plan approved by Council on September 25, 2023, and outlines the planned 2025-2026 Connecting Links application (Intake 10).
This was recommended for approval.
Road Capital Projects Update and Fund Transfer to 2024 Asphalt Resurfacing
The intent of this report is to outline a synopsis of 2024 Road Projects from a financial perspective. Council is being asked to approve a fund transfer of $350,000.00 to the 2024 Asphalt Resurfacing (310-86343) from the savings of Hemlock Street (320-86791) Project and Chesley Street (320-86793) Project.
This was recommended for approval.
To learn more, view the Committee of Whole meeting agenda.
Regular Council Meeting
Council approved an addition to the Agenda for two attachments to be added to Item 9.3, the Bruce C Impact Assessment Submission and Comments
Business Arising from Closed Session
Council met in a Closed to Public Session to adopt minutes of a previous Closed to Public meeting, received information on a legal update concerning potential litigation and subject to solicitor-client privilege, provided direction regarding potential litigation subject to solicitor-client privilege with a physician, and provided direction to negotiate with regards to 60 Morpeth Street.
Council Adopted two Resolutions arising from the Closed to Public Session
That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute a confidential agreement with a local physician as per the direction provided in the Closed to Public Session on September 9, 2024, Item Number
This was carried.
That Council authorize the Municipal Solicitor to negotiate with regards to 60 Morpeth Street as per the direction provided in Closed to Public Session; and That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute the associated agreement(s) in alignment with the direction provided in Closed to Public Session.
This was carried.
Committee Report - Southampton South Area Drainage EA, Ward Boundary and Council Composition, and the Election Supplier
The Committee recommended the following:
- That Council amend the 2024 Business Plan by adding the Southampton South Area Drainage Comprehensive Environmental Assessment as an Engineering Services Capital Highlight; and That Council approve a Funds Transfer of $300,000.00 from the Victoria Street (Peel Street to Morpeth Street) Project to the Southampton South Area Drainage Comprehensive Environmental Assessment.
- That staff be directed to include a Ward Boundary and Council Composition Project in the proposed 2025 Business Plan for consideration.
- That Council adopt a by-law to authorize the use of internet and telephone voting methods for the 2026 and future regular Municipal and School Board Elections.
These were carried.
Committee Report - AMO/OMA Joint Health Resolution Campaign
The Committee recommended the following:
Whereas the state of health care in Ontario is in crisis, with 2.3 million Ontarians lacking access to a family doctor, emergency room closures across the province, patients being de-rostered and 40% of family doctors considering retirement over the next five years; and
Whereas it has becoming increasingly challenging to attract and retain an adequate healthcare workforce throughout the health sector across Ontario; and
Whereas Ontario municipal governments play an integral role in the health care system through responsibilities in public health, long-term care, paramedicine, and other investments; and
Whereas the percentage of family physicians practicing comprehensive family medicine has declined from 77 in 2008 to 65 percent in 2022; and
Whereas per capita health-care spending in Ontario is the lowest of all provinces in Canada, and
Whereas a robust workforce developed through a provincial, sector-wide health human resources strategy would significantly improve access to health services across the province.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the Town of Saugeen Shores urge the Province of Ontario to recognize the physician shortage in the Town of Saugeen Shores and Ontario, to fund health care appropriately and ensure every Ontarian has access to physician care; and
Further That this resolution be circulated to Premier Doug Ford, Minister of Health Sylvia Jones, MPP Lisa Thompson, the Ontario Medical Association, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.
This was carried.
Committee Report - AMO Policy Update on Social and Economic Prosperity Review
The Committee recommended the following:
That the Mayor write a letter in support of the AMO Policy Update - Call to Action on Social and Economic Prosperity Review to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Infrastructure, and the Minister of Finance; and
That it be circulated to Premier Doug Ford, MP Ben Lobb, MPP Lisa Thompson, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.
This was carried.
Committee Report - Urging the Government to Promptly Resume Assessment Cycle
The Committee recommended the following:
That Council endorse the Municipality of Callander's resolution regarding urging the Government to promptly resume the Assessment Cycle; and
That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Premier Doug Ford, the Minister of Finance Peter Bethlenfalvy, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Rural Ontario Municipalities Association, and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.
This was carried.
Committee Report - Ontario Long Service Medals
The Committee recommended the following:
Whereas paramedics, firefighters, and police officers are our frontline heroes, regularly putting their health and safety at risk to help others in need; and
Whereas the Ontario Fire Services Long Service Medal was created in 1971 to honour firefighters who have served the public for 25 years or more and the Governor General's Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal was created in 1985 and 'honours members of a recognized Canadian fire service who have completed 20 years of service, ten years of which have been served in the performance of duties involving potential risks; and
Whereas the non-OPP Police Service has similar local long-service medals within their forces, but there is not a province-wide long-service medal for non-OPP police officers; and
Whereas the Governor General's Emergency Medical Services Exemplary Service Medal, created in 1994, recognizes 'professionals in the provision of pre-hospital emergency medical services to the public who completed 20 years of exemplary service, including at least 10 years in the performance of duties involving potential risk; and
Whereas there is no province-wide long-service medal for paramedics in Ontario.
Now Therefore Be It resolved that The Corporation of the Town of Saugeen Shores Council endorse the creation of a province-wide long-service medal for police and paramedics, modelled after the existing such award for firefighters; and
Further That the Mayor write to Premier Doug Ford, Minister of Health Sylvia Jones, Solicitor General Michael Kerzner, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism Michael Ford, and MPP Lisa Thompson urging them to work collaboratively to create such awards.
This was carried.
Committee Report - Regulations for the Importation and Safe Use of Lithium-ion Batteries
The Committee recommended the following:
That Council endorse Mayor Taylor's letter from the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan regarding regulations for the importation and safe use of lithium-ion batteries; and
That this resolution be circulated to the Solicitor General Michael Kerzner, Premier Doug Ford, MP Ben Lobb, and MPP Lisa Thompson.
This was carried.
Paradise Inn Parking Area Licence
Paradise Inn has requested permission to use of part of the Brook Lane road allowance for parking purposes. This report sets out the evaluation of the request and recommends entering into a licence agreement.
This was carried.
Bruce C Impact Assessment Submission and Comments
The Town received notice on August 12, 2024, from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) that it received an Initial Project Description (IPD) for the Bruce C Nuclear Project from Bruce Power. The public commenting period on the summary of the IPD is from August 12 to September 12, 2024. Comments received during this period will be used to prepare a Summary of Issues by IAAC. The summary of issues will help shape the guidelines that will direct the matters that need to be addressed by Bruce Power through the Impact Assessment process. This report outlines the details of the commenting period and presents a Comment Submission for Council to consider on behalf of the Town of Saugeen Shores.
This was carried.
To learn more, view the Council meeting agenda.