Council Highlights - Mon. June 12, 2023
Committee of the Whole and Regular Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month, except for holidays. The Committee of the Whole consists of all Council members. The Committee of the Whole reviews and recommends an item for approval by Council. The item still requires Council's final approval, which typically takes place at the next Regular Council meeting held in two weeks’ time.
Visit to see all meeting dates, agendas, minutes, and webcasts.
Committee of the Whole Meeting
Police Service – Shared Services Memorandum of Understanding
The Chief Administrative Officer and Chief of Police have developed a Shared Services Memorandum of Understanding and Implementing Procedure outlining service levels provided to the Saugeen Shores Police Service by the Town of Saugeen Shores.
This was recommended for approval.
Recognition - Amalgamation 25-Year Anniversary
Friday, January 5, 2024, will mark the 25th anniversary of the amalgamation of Southampton, Port Elgin, and Saugeen Township into the Town of Saugeen Shores. A planning committee is acting as the coordinating body to lead messaging, support grass roots recognition activities and plan Town hosted celebratory events.
This was received for information.
Medical Service Delivery and Oversight
This report recommended the revision of the Letter of Agreement for Activation of Tiered response with Bruce County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to remove “If requested by EMS” and adds the response criteria: vital signs absent, overdose, and choking to the tiered response criteria. It also requested the approval of the medical oversight agreement with the London Medical Sciences Centre (LMSC) for the delegated acts of Defibrillation, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Naloxone administration for opioid overdoses and epinephrine assistance in the event of anaphylaxis. LMSC will provide training, quality control, and liability risk reduction for firefighters and police officers in the delegated medical response protocols.
This was recommended for approval.
Municipal Election 2022 Overview
On October 24, 2022, municipalities across Ontario conducted elections for their municipal Councils and school board trustees. The Town of Saugeen Shores Council had acclamations for three offices and three races with 38.8% voter turnout using online and telephone voting. One third-party advertiser registered with the Town.
This was received for information.
Innovation Park Servicing
As construction on the Innovation Park on Concession 6 continues, a report recommended adding additional sanitary servicing to the scope of work. This would make the Innovation Park lots fully serviced and shovel ready. The report based this recommendation on the current project coming under the original budget of $4,000,000 outlined in the 2022 Capital Budget. It also recommended Council approve $170,000 for hydro servicing for the Innovation Park.
This was recommended for approval.
Mayor’s Report - Update to Members of Council
On Thursday May 25, 2023, Mayor Charbonneau gave a presentation on behalf of the Town to the Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce, Breakfast with the Mayor at Elgin Lodge. The presentation slides that were displayed at the event were attached to the report for Council’s information.
Councillor Grace’s Report - Lake Huron Coastal Centre Conference
This was attended by Councillor Cheryl Grace and Councillor Bud Halpin, Deputy-Mayor Diane Huber, and Parks Manager, Frank Burrows who also made a presentation on “Managing Public Beaches - Dune Grass and Towel Space”. This report describes Cheryl Grace’s experience at the conference.
To learn more, view the Committee of the Whole agenda.
Regular Council Meeting
Committee of the Whole Report
The Committee of the Whole recommended the following to Council:
1. That Council adopt a By-law to authorize a Memorandum of Understanding with the Society of United Professionals – Bruce Local; and That Council adopt a By-law to authorize a Lease Agreement with the Society of United Professionals for the Morpeth Street Condo 5 in Southampton.
2. That Council receive the First Quarter 2023 Variance to Budget report for information.
3. That Council approve the updated Development Charges Background Study; and That the Development Charges By-law be adopted to authorize the development charges in accordance with the Development Charges Act.
4. That Council receive the Aquatics and Wellness Centre Site Plan report for information.
5. That Council receive the Aquatic and Wellness Centre Funding Strategy report for information.
6. That Council receive the Aquatic and Wellness Centre Loan Report for information.
This was carried.
Update Animal Control By-Law 36-2004 to Expand Access to Dogs on the Waterfront
On April 24, 2023, Council received an information report Council about expanding access for dogs on the waterfront. The report outlined a public consultation period as well as possible areas for the expansion. After analyzing the results of the public consultation, it was recommended that the Animal Control By-law be updated to open two waterfront areas for dog access. The two areas are: Southampton – North of the Flagpole to the Saugeen River and Port Elgin – 538 Izzard to Concession 6 / Bruce Road 25.
This was referred to staff.
Establish and Assume 0.3 Metre Reserve as Public Highway
It was recommended to pass By-law 46-2023 to establish a 0.3 metre Reserve (1’ Reserve) located on Westlinks Drive as part of the public highway system.
This was carried.
Lamont Sports Park Phase 2 Tender Results
At the December 12, 2022, meeting, Council approved the recommended elements and associated costs of $4,208,777 for Phase 2 construction of the Lamont Sports Park. The lowest received bid over budget; the Town is exploring cost-saving opportunities for Council consideration to advance Phase 2 construction.
This was carried with amendments.
Lease Agreement for Chantry Island - Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans
The Town leases Chantry Island from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The Lease Agreement with the Federal Government has expired. It was recommended to renew the Lease for a two-year period.
This was carried.
To learn more, view the Regular Council Meeting agenda.