Council Highlights - Monday, February 27, 2023
Committee of Whole and Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month, with the exception of holidays. The Committee of Whole is a committee consisting of all members of Council that recommends an item for approval by Council. The item still requires Council's final approval, which typically takes place at the next Council meeting held in two weeks’ time. Visit to see all meeting dates, agendas, minutes, and webcasts.
Committee of Whole Meeting
Final Budget Report
This report provides detail on the Municipal 2023 Budget, based on the outlined assumptions as deliberated with Council on January 30th and February 7th, 2023. A Town Tax Levy set at $20,989,461 will result in an estimated combined blended tax rate increase of 5.94%. This represents a $232 increase to the average household assessed at $314,000. The lower-tier municipal portion of the increase to the average household is $123, and the lower-tier municipal rate increase is 6.00%.
Annual Fire Services Report
This report outlines the work and response types performed by the Saugeen Shores Fire Services in 2022. A 6.5% increase in call volume included 44 alarm activations, 36 carbon monoxide calls, 59 medicals, and 31 motor vehicle collisions. There were also eight structure fires in 2022 resulting in a loss of $1,522,000 and 14 water rescue responses. This report also presents the Work Program for 2023 highlighting the formation of a fire department Joint Health & Safety Committee and the development of a public education and fire prevention by-law for Council’s consideration.
To learn more, view the Committee of Whole meeting agenda.
Council Meeting
Committee of Whole Report
The Committee of Whole recommended that Council receive the following reports for information:
- ROMA 2023 Delegation Package Briefs
- Town of Saugeen Shores 2022 Annual Report
- Year-End Building Department Report
February 21 Planning Report
The Planning Committee recommended the following to Council:
- That Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-2022-095 for the site described as CON 4 PT LOTS 10 AND;11 (Saugeen Township) be approved and that the necessary by-law be forwarded to Council for adoption; and
- That the Site Plan – Southampton Care Centre report be received for information.
Heritage Appointment Replacement
The Striking Committee recommended to Council that the resignation of Elizabeth Kuntz be accepted and that Neil Menage be appointed to the Municipal Heritage Committee.
Westario Power Inc. Board of Directors Appointment
As shareholders in Westario Power Inc. the Town, and all other member municipalities, are required to pass a resolution ratifying the appointments of directors to the Westario Power Inc. board.
To learn more, view the Council meeting agenda.