Council Highlights - Monday, March 27, 2023
Committee of Whole and Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month, with the exception of holidays.
The Committee of Whole is a committee consisting of all members of Council that recommends an item for approval by Council. The item still requires Council's final approval, which typically takes place at the next Council meeting held in two weeks’ time.
Visit www.SaugeenShores.ca/Meetings to see all meeting dates, agendas, minutes, and webcasts.
Committee of the Whole Meeting
2023 CNA Federal Delegation Package Briefs
The Mayor and staff attended the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) Conference at the end of February in Ottawa. In addition to learning about the opportunities in the Clean Energy sector, municipal representatives connected with key stakeholders and decision-makers in the industry essential to support ongoing economic growth.
During the conference, Town representatives met with Ministry representatives regarding the importance of nuclear as the key to net zero and specifically regarding the opportunity for Canada to be a leader in the production and distribution of medical isotopes. The briefs are attached to this report for information.
John Mann vs. Town of Saugeen Shores Update
On April 7, 2022, Mr. John Mann filed an Application with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Court File N CV-22-024-0000) against the Town of Saugeen Shores. The Application alleged a number of wrongdoings by the Town of Saugeen Shores in relation to the Cedar Crescent Village (CCV) development. On February 9, 2023, Justice Bielby delivered his decision in favour of the Town, dismissing Mr. Mann’s Application. While this is not a complete record of the case, it is provided as an overview of the extensive materials the Town provided to the Court.
ROMA 2023 Delegation Package MTO for Discussion Update
The Town made delegations at the end of January in Toronto at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA). At the conference, staff and council members briefed ministry representatives and other municipal leaders on issues that matter to the Town’s residents and businesses.
Council members received those briefs for information at the February 13, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting. At that meeting, Council asked staff to recirculate a Highway 21 safety motion from 2017. The recommendation to reaffirm resolution number 56-2017 was defeated.
Healthcare Partnership Discussion - Kincardine Update
At the December 12, 2022 Committee of the Whole meeting, Mayor Charbonneau noted that he would reach out to the Mayor of Kincardine to discuss a joint approach for healthcare recruitment. At the Municipality of Kincardine's council meeting on March 20, 2023, , a motion was presented and passed to start discussions to work jointly on this file. Our staff is working to initiate a meeting to discuss the next steps.
2022 Council Remuneration and Expenses
Section 284(1) of the Municipal Act requires the Treasurer to submit on or before March 31st to Council, an itemized statement of remuneration and expenses paid to or on behalf of each Council Member and to members of local boards.
Economic Development Update
At the November 8, 2021, Committee of the Whole meeting, Council adopted the 2020/2021 revisions made to the Sidewalk Patio and Sidewalk Cafe Encroachment Policy as permanent changes and that the insurance provision be reviewed on an annual basis. It is recommended that Council approve the insurance provision required by participating establishments remain at $2,000,000 permanently. A summary of recent Economic Development activities for Council’s awareness are also in the agenda for information, including:
- Invest marketing materials,
- the Digital Service Squad Program,
- the Rural Economic Development (RED) Grant, and
- the T3 Accelerator Program.
Notice of Consideration of Council to Stop Up and Close a Road Allowance and Declare the Lands Surplus by Resolution
As required by the Town’s Notice By-law, notice must be given at a Committee of the Whole meeting prior to Council’s consideration of stopping up and closing a municipal road allowance and prior to declaring lands surplus. This report and attached notice are to fulfill those requirements. The notice will also be posted on the Town’s website, social media, and in a local paper.
Sale and Other Disposition of Land Policy
All municipalities are required to adopt and maintain policies with respect to their sale and other disposition of land. The by-law currently in place makes reference to outdated legislation and requires updating. The Committee of the Whole is being asked to review the draft Sale and Other Disposition of Land Policy. The Policy sets out the process of appraisal and valuation, the method of sale, and the manner, in which notice will be given to the public, in an effort to provide the greatest possible transparency and to ensure accountability.
2022 Annual Drinking Water System Update
In accordance with O. Reg. 170/03 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, Council received the 2022 Annual Drinking Water System Update report, and it is available at the Municipal Office and on the Town’s website.
North Shore Park Reimagined Planning Milestones
The storm that occurred on September 7, 2021, caused considerable tree and landscape damage to North Shore Park. This has created a window to reimagine the Park In addition to landscaping, tree planting, and improved and refreshed facilities such as trails and playground there is an opportunity to see a return of the train that once traveled this park. This report provides milestones for the work accomplished to date and proposed milestones to complete this park renewal.
Lake Huron Fishing Club Lease Agreement Renewal
Since before amalgamation, the Lake Huron Fishing Club has operated a Fish Hatchery adjacent to the Town Pond in Port Elgin. The Club is dedicated to ensuring future generations will have quality fishing opportunities. Once approved, this lease agreement will extend to 2033.
Update to By-law 53-2005, a By-law to Establish and Regulate a Fire Department
The Fire Prevention and Protection Act (FPPA) 2017 states in Section 2 that every municipality shall:
- establish a program of public education for fire safety and some components of fire prevention, and
- provide other fire protection services deemed necessary for its circumstances and needs.
A thorough evaluation of Emergency Management and Fire public education requirements, coupled with analysis of response call types, frequency, locations, and the Ontario Fire Marshal’s certification requirements, has led to this comprehensive service level review and update.
This foundational bylaw will direct process implementation for administration, response, training, public education, and emergency management.
Mayor's Report - Update to Members of Council
The Mayor’s Report provides information on the Mayor’s recent activity and involvement. The March 27th report provided updates on:
- Plan the Bruce Update Report
- Agriculture and Hamlet mapping and Natural Legacy mapping
- draft Official Plan
- MIPIM Conference
- 2023 Update to the Men’s Probus Club Presentation
- Certificates of Recognition
- Mayor’s Calendar activities for January, February, and March
To learn more, view the Committee of Whole meeting agenda.
Regular Council Meeting
Committee of the Whole Report
The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Town of Saugeen Shores send a letter supporting the Tile Drain Loan Program Review motion from Arran-Elderslie as written to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, Lisa Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Rural Ontario Municipal Association, and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.
Community Services / Parks and Recreation Report
The Committee of Whole recommended the following:
- That Council pass a By-law to authorize a 54-month Lease Agreement with Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling for the property located at Lot 12, Concession 14; and,
- That Council approve the recommendation that the Aquatic and Wellness Centre be managed and operated by the municipality.
Planning Committee Report
The Planning Committee recommended the following:
- That Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2022-076 for lands described as TP PT LOTS 10 TO 12 S OAK ST; PT LOT 12 N HURON ST RP; 3R4412 PARTS 1 TO 3 (Southampton Town) as attached and that the necessary by-law be forwarded to Council for adoption; and
- That Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2020-056 for lands described as TP LOT 13 N GOSFORD LESS RP;3R2374 PART 8 (Southampton Town) as attached and that the necessary by-law be forwarded to Council for adoption; and
- That Council pass a By-law to authorize a Pre-Servicing Agreement with Barry’s Construction and Insulation Ltd. for the Northport Meadows Subdivision Phase 2.
Municipal Heritage Committee Report
The Municipal Heritage Committee recommended that Council endorse the recommendations contained within the Municipal Heritage Committee Report provided by the Committee's Heritage Act Bill 23 Changes Sub-Committee and that Staff communicate changes to the registered property owners.
To learn more, view the Regular Council Meeting agenda.