Council Highlights - November 13, 2023
Committee of the Whole and Regular Council meetings are held on the second, third, and fourth Monday of each month, except for holidays. The Committee of the Whole consists of all members of Council; it reviews and recommends an item for Council's final approval. This typically takes place at the Regular Council meeting held in two weeks’ time.
Visit to see all meeting dates, agendas, minutes, and webcasts.
Committee of the Whole Meeting
Town of Saugeen Shores Strategic Plan 2023-2027
A refresh of the Town’s Strategic Plan has been underway throughout 2023. As the consultants have completed the four phases of the project, including the incorporation of public input into the document, Council was asked to receive the final draft Strategic Plan Framework for information.
This was received for information.
Municipal Accommodation Fee Introductory Report
The purpose of this report was to introduce the Municipal Accommodation Fee (MAF) for transient accommodation and the process that would be required to implement a MAF in the Town of Saugeen Shores. The report detailed considerations for implementation, execution, and budgetary considerations. It also detailed the necessary steps and considerations for the implementation of a short-term rental licensing program since many municipalities implement these two programs at the same time.
This was received for information.
Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy
The proposed Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy provides a more comprehensive direction to Council and staff as they move forward with future business plans, determining how reserves are utilized and if a reserve is required.
This was recommended for adoption.
Appointment of Integrity Commissioner
The Municipal Act, 2001, requires all municipalities in Ontario to have a Code of Conduct for Members of Council, Local Boards and Committees of Council, and to appoint an Integrity Commissioner (IC). The IC reports to Council and is responsible for applying the Code and certain sections of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (MCIA), as well as providing education to Council and the public on the Code and the MCIA. This report recommended the appointment of Principles Integrity as the Town’s IC.
This was recommended for approval.
Westlinks Cost Sharing and Design Services
For the continued development of the Westlinks subdivision -- and completion of infrastructure identified in the 2023 Business Plan -- Council was asked to enter into a cost-sharing agreement for road & sanitary works and to approve sole sourcing design engineering services for those works meeting Town standards.
This was recommended for approval.
Fireworks By-law Review and Recommendation
The purpose of this report was to conclude the review conducted on the current Fireworks By-law 53-2006 that was created on May 8, 2006. Based on the review’s findings, it was recommended that the by-law be rescinded and replaced with a new by-law.
This was recommended for adoption.
To learn more, view the Committee of the Whole meeting agenda.
Regular Council Meeting
Committee of the Whole Report
The Committee of the Whole recommended the following to Council:
- That Council pass a by-law to approve the Lease Agreement with the Nuclear Innovation Institute and repeal By-laws 66-2019 and 67-2019.
- That Council receive the Southampton Sewer Investigation report for information.
- That Council receive the Landfill Expansion Environmental Assessment Update report for information.
- That Council endorse the continuation of the expanded access for dogs on the waterfront, with uniform time of use between the two locations.
- That Council receive the 2024 Business Plan report for information.
- That Council approve transitioning to a one-time fee for Animal Licensing.
- That Council endorse the transition to a Council Meetings only structure and comprehensive Procedural By-law update in the proposed 2024 Business Plan.
- That Council approve the Governance Document Framework Policy.
These were carried.
Staff Report - Legal Services Update
On September 11, 2023, a report was brought forward to consider the creation of legal services internally for the Town. Escalating legal costs, budget implications, and changes at the Town’s legal firm -- the Ross Firm -- have brought this discussion back to Council ahead of the 2024 budget deliberations. This report recommended the creation of the Municipal Solicitor position.
This was carried.
Municipal Heritage Committee Report - Heritage Conservation Award Recipient
The Heritage Conservation Award Program run by the Municipal Heritage Committee recognizes individuals or groups who contribute to the promotion of heritage in the Town of Saugeen Shores. On September 20, 2023, the Committee selected Linda Doll as this year's award recipient. A formal recognition will take place at a future Council meeting.
This was received for information.
Staff Report – 25th Anniversary of Inaugural Meeting – January 5, 2024
On January 1, 1999, the Town of Saugeen Shores came into being by virtue of a Minister’s Order. On January 5 of that year, the Town held its first Inaugural Council Meeting. The 25th Anniversary Committee and staff recommended commemorating the occasion with a Council Meeting on January 5, 2024 at 1:00 pm in the Council Chambers.
This was carried.
Striking Committee Report
The Striking Committee recommended the following to Council:
That Mayor Luke Charbonneau be recommended as the Town of Saugeen Shores representative to the Nuclear Innovation Institute Board of Directors.
This was carried.
To learn more, view the Regular Council Meeting agenda.