Strategic Planning & Reporting
The Town has created a strong strategic plan with clear objectives to communicate Council's vision and priorities for the municipality.
It is always the Town's intent to show how it is moving forward, year-by-year, and the progress it is making towards those goals.
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan 2023-2027 is the Town's overarching roadmap for the current Council's four-year term. It sets out:
- Vision Statement: The Town's promise to residents and community partners
- Mission Statement: How the Town is working to deliver that promise.
- Values: The community's principles and beliefs that the organization's culture, decision-making and accountability.
- Strategic Pillars: Key priorities the Town is pursuing to realize its Mission and Vision.
- Strategic Directions: Actions taken and resources used to advance the Town's key priorities.
- Strategic Levers: Key competencies, capabilities and assets the Town uses to achieve those priorities.
Business Plan & Budget
The Business Plan & Budget 2024 is how the Town is using the calendar year to achieve those strategic pillars. It also shows how the municipality is investing taxpayer's dollars for the benefit of its residents and the community at large.
The Business Plan shows the following priorities
- Major Initiatives: Significant projects that move the municipality forward.
- Division Highlights: Ways the Town's key business units are improving and enhancing services.
- Capital Highlights: Infrastructure projects, both traditional and virtual.
For the first time ever, the Town has also build a 10-year Asset Management and Capital Budgeting Plan to make sure it properly forecasts the lifecycle of its infrastructure assets, and has the funding in place to maintain, repair or replace those assets as needed.
Read the 2024 Business Plan & Budget.
You can also see the Town's budget for 2024 Capital Projects, based on Base (Required), High and Medium priorities.
Performance Measurement
The Town believes that transparency and accountability are essential to running a democratic and responsive government. To demonstrate that, the municipality publicly posts its progress towards the goals established in the current Strategic Plan and Business Plan.
View our Performance Measurement dashboard to see how the Town is advancing its Major Initiatives and highlights, the Key Performance Indicators for each Department and Division, as well as the progress made towards realizing its overall Mission and Vision.
Annual Report 2023
This document is a year-end comparison of our actual progress versus the planned progress set out in the 2023 Business Plan & Budget.
It shows which work was completed and which work was carried over into 2024, as well as the final status of Key Performance Indicators.
Read the 2023 Annual Report.